We believe in Kentucky—and we’re proving our excellence to the World. Join us!

In-kind contributions cover a significant portion of our expense budget each year. Since 2014, KTW has received more than $1,321,772 in donated media, facilities, office space/meeting rooms, volunteer hours, and professional services.
We are deeply grateful!

Kentucky to the World Sponsors

Current supporters:

Speaker Series Title Sponsor 

Republic Bank Foundation


Student Program Title Sponsor 

Bass Family Foundation

 Additional support 

Jordan Clines Jewelers

Porter Watkins & George Bailey

Bourbon Raffle Sponsor

Bourbon Pursuit Podcast

Volunteer Sponsor

Family Realty


$2,500 and above 

Bass Family Foundation

Sandra Frazier

R. Harvey Johnston III

Eleanor Bingham Miller

Emily Bingham & Stephen Reily

Porter Watkins & George Bailey

Shelly & Kenny Zegart

$1,000 – $2,499 

Susan & Mark Blieden

Jerry & Linda Bruckheimer

Adam Burden

Sam & Mary Michael Corbett

Karin Cox

Fisher Family Gives

Four Roses Distillery

Jean Frazier

Thomas Wavid Johns

Cindy May Johnson

Jamie Laws

Cara Meade

Anne Murray

Marcus & Meredith Niemann

Rick Redman

Roth Family Foundation

John & Cathy Yarmuth

$500 – $999 


Dr. Rebecca Booth

Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Callen

Sandy Gulick

Amy & Sterling Lapinski

Jessica Loving & Sheryl Snyder

Nancy Martin & Fred Hendler

Brian McGraw

Ellen & Richard Miller

Dr. John & Bonnie Roth

Laura & Mark Rothstein, In Honor of Harvey Johnston

Ellen & Max Shapira

…and other generous supporters

Community Partners

It takes a village to tell a story and thankfully, we have a growing list of Community Partners who are committed to helping us create The New Narrative for Kentucky by sharing this content in their own venues and digital spaces.

The Frazier History Museum

Kentucky Performing Arts

Kentucky Science Center

Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation Community Centers

Louisville Tourism

Muhammad Ali Center

Western Kentucky University Innovation Campus